How To Register - Collegiate Tour
Step-by-Step Registration Guide
Captains and Presidents - request a captain key via GroupMe (message Noah Suemnick directly)...​
Click the registration link above. Select "Captain" or "Captain & Player"
- You can click "Bulk Register Players" to register all players under one payment. Select the amount of players you want to bulk register.
For example, if you type in 10 (registering 10 players), you will get sent an email with a code that has 10 total uses. Forward this email to your players.
They will click the link provided in the email.
Players will be prompted to create an NCPA Profile or login to an existing account.
Select "Register" with the prepaid registration code.
Then they'll be prompted to request to join a University... Find your University and click "Request".
Players are now officially registered and don't need to do anything else. ​
Captains will then need to go into their University team and accept all players.
​There is D1 and D2. Captains will place their players in the correct divisions and form their teams.
For Division 1, you form teams of 4-6 (2-3 men and 2-3 women).
​​At Nationals, D1 is exclusive to teams that received a bid. D1 will not pop up as an option for everyone.
For Division 2, players are placed into each individual bracket they are competing in, three brackets max.
For example, a male player can play in Men's doubles, Men's Singles, and Mixed Doubles. The captain has to place that player into each of those individual brackets.​ D2 players don't not have to play in all three brackets but they have the option to.
- You can click "Bulk Register Players" to register all players under one payment. Select the amount of players you want to bulk register.
All Players -
Create an NCPA ​Profile or login to an existing account.
Go to "Tournaments" and click "Register".
Select "Player" and pay the registration fee.
You will then be prompted to request to join a University.
After you request, your captain will accept you into the team. You are officially registered.​
Using A Pre-Paid Link -
Click the link in the email sent to you by your captain.
You will be prompted to create an NCPA Profile or login to an existing account.
Select "Register" with the prepaid registration code.
You'll then be prompted to request to join a University... Find your University and click "Request".
You are officially registered and don't need to do anything else.​
NCPA Profile Purpose -
All players receive texts for court assignments - Who They're Playing, What Court, and When​​.
Brackets and leaderboards are available for all players to view before, during, and after tournaments.
@ncpapickleball on Instagram is crucial in staying up to date on all tournaments, fundraisers, giveaways, opportunities, etc.
NCPA Player Ratings and NCPA University Rankings
All players are ranked against thousands of collegiate athletes around the nation and each receive an NCPA Rating after they compete in their first tournament.
All Universities are ranked against hundreds of universities across the nation. Rankings are based strictly on placement in NCPA's Collegiate Tour.
View University Rankings
What is a captain and who can be one?
A captain can be one of your club leaders, an advisor, a coach, or a player.
They have access to your university team and can form D1 and D2 teams, accept players into your university team, and control everything internally.
Captains are responsible for making sure all their players are in the right divisions, the right teams, and the right brackets. Once a bracket starts, no one can be added in.
A common mistake is a president forgets to add players into all of their brackets. For example, a male player may want to play in all three available brackets to him, Men's doubles, Men's Singles, and Mixed Doubles. The captain may forget to put him in all three so make sure to place that player into each of those individual brackets.​